About Us

Systemic consulting and further education out of Hamburg since 2004.

Our Capital

Systemic expertise and broad experience

As part of their their network, the coachingakademie bundles expertise and know-how of highly qualified consulting professionals with complementary activity emphases. Therefore, we can offer you tailor-made, market-and time conform proposals in various developmental contexts. Either in the case of individual potential development or entrepreneurial creative processing.

Our Conviction

Quality of processes fosters sustainability

For us, success is more than just arriving at a goal. Our works focus is on solutions that fit: By using a broad portfolio of systemic tools and methods, we support you to gain exactly the perspectives and abilities that you need in order to solve tangible problems and master incumbent challenges.

Our Style

Constructive, unafraid, humorous

Developmental processes are complex processes. It’s not possible to reduce the amount of complexity, only to accept it. This requires appreciation for challenges, being brave enough to accept limits, a passion for solutions and openly expecting the unexpectable and unpredictable. By adopting this approach, we master complex tasks and have fun while doing it.

Bettina Schubert-Golinski

DBVC (Deutschen Bundesverband Coaching e.V.) Senior Coach. Founder and CEO of the coachingakademie.

In light of her work as Master of Psychology and personnel- and leadership developer within the manufacturing and insurance industry, Bettina Schubert-Golinski has been active as freelancing organizational consultant for top- and middle-management going back to 1994. Her activity emphases focus on the areas of self-steering, target-setting and strategy development, change management and leadership.

As a systemic organizational consultant, she is specialized in conceptualizing and moderating department- and team development processes in large corporations and middle-class businesses. Back in 2004, Bettina Schubert-Golinski founded, in concert with experienced colleagues, the coachingakademie in Hamburg.

Your contact person

The team of the coachingakademie will assist you on site and your requests.

Katrin Schaar

Andrea Wehking

Bärbel Schauerte-Otto

Anne Schubert

Richard Osei

Jendrik Peters

Katharina Riebner

Casper Holthusen

Bürohund Sookie
